New Years Resolutions Fit for ALL Moms

Typically I don’t share my New Years’ resolutions but I figured why not talk about it? Why not come up with resolutions that every mother can use? It took some time to come up with these and by no means do you have to follow them. I just want to be able to share my resolutions and why I feel these are good for all moms. Plus us moms deserve a little cheat sheet once in a while. I hope that some of you can resonate with me on these 2020 New Years’ resolutions!

1. Be more patient.

Being a mom comes with a whirlwind of things that pop up during my day. In the past, I sometimes get overwhelmed and become a little anxious, but this year I plan to be more patient with things that pop up out of nowhere. When the kids start to cry or throw a tantrum, instead of getting frustrated I’m going to take a deep breath and be patient. These obstacles will pass and I won’t have anxiety hanging over my head. I know it sounds easy to just say to be patient, which is why breathing comes into play. It’ll bring your mind back down and gives you a solid platform for patience.

2. Channel more self-confidence.

This is something that I have struggled with when first becoming a mom. I loved being pregnant and having a belly, it felt like I was Wonder Woman. When I actually gave birth and I wasn’t happy with my body my self-confidence went down. As the second kid came I was more positive and embraced my after baby body but still, I felt like I didn’t look good in clothes and most importantly didn’t feel sexy. Self-confidence is something all women should feel mom or not. This year my goal is to do what I can to increase my self-confidence, put make-up on, do my hair, wear something new, anything to bring my sexy back! My mother always told me confidence is key and it really is. I want people to know that I am confident when I walk into a room.

3. Don’t forget to give my husband attention.

We are a family of four and I’d be lying if I said the kids didn’t get most of my attention and there’s one thing I’m sure of, my husband is the king of our castle and he still needs his loving too. If you think about it, in reality, my husband was a baby before the babies came, which means he had all of my attention for a long time. I know that he understands that the kids come first but he is the biggest trooper of all, I need to remember to go out of my way to still cater to him and remind him he is the king. I know how had that man works to keep this family supported and I love him for everything he does. This year I want to remind him how much I love our life together and how much I appreciate all he does for us.

4. Wake up earlier.

This year I really want to start working on waking up before the kids get up. Sometimes I can time it pretty well but on most days they do the waking up. I feel like waking up before them will give me some more “me time” in the morning to get my coffee ready, possibly some breakfast, maybe even some meditation time. The purpose of this resolution is really a way to find some more time in my day to get things done that I normally wouldn’t be able to if I woke up an hour or two later.

5. Better and cleaner food choices.

Something that my husband and I have been doing is some research on where our food/produce comes from. We try to make food with as many organic ingredients, but sometimes it doesn’t work out. So this year one of our goals is to get most of our fresh produce from the farmers market or any other local farmed source. We can really get anything at the farmers market, meat, fresh fruits and veggies, even bread. Just putting in the effort is a great start. So this year we will be extra resourceful with where we get our food and what we make with it.

6. More outdoor activities.

Keeping the activities outside is a biggy for me. I’ve always been in love with Northern California because of the abundant amounts of land with trees and nature. This year, now that the kids are a little older, we want to make sure they are spending a good amount of time outside in nature. I really want my kids to be “in tune” with the land around them and I feel like the more we introduce nature to the kids, the more they will learn to appreciate it the way my husband and I have.

7. Use a planner.

One BIG thing I have planned on doing this year is incorporating a planner into my week. I’m not going to lie, sometimes I forget about play dates or school events, but that’s only because my week is already pre-planned with things I do every day. Incorporating a planner will make sure that I stay on top of random things my week involves. Hopefully this year we don’t miss out on any playdates.

8. More me-time.

This kind of plays off of the waking up early resolution. This year I really want to focus on giving myself time to come down and destress about my work week and even my family on occasion. So this means wherever I can get my me-time. The shower, bathroom, a walk, maybe even a morning meditation. Whatever it is I feel that making time for myself is important for me to be able to function otherwise I’d freak way more often. So here’s to fewer freakouts and more Me-time.

9. Be more minimal.

This is a very important resolution mostly for my husband and I. With the kids we are pretty minimal as it is with clothing, toys, even decor in their rooms. Both of us have a background in retail so our closet is jam-packed with clothing and shoes. This year I really want to make it a point for me to be as minimal as possible. I’ll get rid of some clothes and shoes and then I’ll take care of the house. I want the house and furniture to be as minimal as possible to avoid anything gathering clutter. This will take us a bit but I know that decluttering our closet and home is going to declutter our mids as well.

10. Embrace my career.

Now, this is more of a personal one for me but if you can resonate with it even better! I am finally where I want to be right now in my career. Confidence also plays a part in this. I am currently growing in my career and have the opportunity to do a lot more than what I originally did. This year I want to be more confident and knowledgeable when it comes to working. I want to be the Boss Mom that we write about and all aspire to be. I want to take my career by the horns and guide it to success.

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