Summer is here and I am trying to think of things for the children to keep themselves occupied while we are still dealing with a pandemic.

I received an email recently from Michaels craft stores with a 50% off coupon and thought there’s got to be something from Michael’s that can help!  So I visited their website and learned they have so many ideas about crafting – how-to videos on creating unique gifts. They also have one of the best inventories on knitting, drawing, and creating.  Michaels has everything you need for a busy kid’s summer!  I was specifically interested in their Cricut machine. I thought the kids and I could probably make all of the birthday cards we need for 2020 and 2021. If you’re not familiar with Cricut I suggest you look into this amazing machine that helps you create so many beautiful items. In addition to that Michael’s has drawing materials such as pencils, Prismacolor and Copco brand markers which are top of the line. For anyone who loves to draw whether it’s sketching, watercolor, painting, or marker, everything you need can be found at Michaels!

I was also grateful to hear that my community pool is now open.  I know that my kids along with their friends want nothing more than to spend a day at the pool which is extremely economical for me because all I have to do is make sandwiches and they’re happy! I don’t believe I’ll be enrolling them in sports this year because of the pandemic but that doesn’t mean we can’t get our physical fitness on. This weekend the boys and I started taking a run around the neighborhood and hope to continue to do so to lose the “Quarantine 15” which refers to the 15 pounds most of us gained during the pandemic! I highly recommend investing in good running shoes – running can easily cause injury without the right shoe.

Asics is my go-to running shoe for over 20 years – for anyone who is a runner you know Asics is synonymous with the sport!  Most styles run around $49.99 and the shoe provides a gel platform that you will appreciate

Asics Gel Contend 5  for Women

ASICS Gel Venture 7 for Men

A little creativity and some physical fitness should help all of us keep the kids busy this summer!

By Rosemaria Altieri

Follow Rosemaria on Instagram @RosemariaBeauty

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