When summer break was drawing to a close, you could almost hear the collective sigh of relief from parents of school-age children. After weeks of entertaining bored kids, managing child care and dealing with sibling drama, handing them back to their teachers for several hours a day sounded pretty great.

A few weeks into a new school year, however, and that excitement is starting to wear thin—particularly for working parents getting pulled in a thousand different directions. The challenges of juggling homework help, extracurricular activities and carpooling, while staying on top of your own professional projects and deadlines, can feel overwhelming.

Fortunately, there lots of inexpensive products and life hacks that can help you stay organized, maintain balance and keep stress at bay. Here are just a few.

  1. Create a family calendar
    One of the best ways to keep track of school events, sports schedules, music lessons and/or other activities is by using a family calendar. Online calendar tools allow you to create and share schedules with everyone in the family, making coordination easier. Or you buy an extra-large desk calendar at a local office-supply store, hang it in a high-traffic area in your home and use colored pens to write in activities and appointments. Regularly update and review the calendar each week with the whole family to ensure everyone is aware of upcoming commitments.
  2. Establish routines
    Consistent routines are key to managing the chaos of the back-to-school season. Create a morning checklist with essential tasks such as preparing lunch, packing backpacks, and getting dressed. Consider investing in a smart-home assistant to set reminders and help manage daily routines. In the evenings, establish a wind-down routine that includes relaxation activities to prepare for the next day. These routines can streamline your mornings and make transitions smoother.
  3. Prioritize and delegate
    Effective prioritization and delegation can help balance work and family responsibilities. Use online project management tools like Trello.com or Asana.com to organize tasks and keep track of what needs to be done. At home, involve your children in age-appropriate chores, such as setting the table or packing their own lunch. This not only lightens your load but also teaches responsibility. Communicate with your employer about flexible work options, such as telecommuting or adjusted hours, to better accommodate your family’s needs.
  4. Practice self-care
    Self-care is essential for maintaining balance and managing stress. Consider investing in a fitness tracker to monitor your activity levels and ensure you’re getting enough exercise. Join a gym or schedule a monthly spa treatment. Incorporate regular self-care activities into your routine, such as exercise, reading, or meditation. Proper sleep, a balanced diet, and physical activity contribute to overall well-being and resilience, making it easier to handle both work and family responsibilities.
  5. Seek support
    Building a support network can help ease the burden of managing work and family life. Explore resources like local parenting groups or online communities for advice and support, or connect with other parents in your neighborhood and create a system to divide up duties like carpooling or overseeing after-school activities. You might also consider using meal-delivery services to simplify meal planning and preparation. Having additional help or resources at your disposal can ease some of the pressure and make your daily life more manageable.
  6. Communicate openly
    Clear communication with your family and employer is vital to staying on track and managing expectations. Keep your family informed about your work commitments and any changes in schedules. At work, maintain open dialogue about your needs and potential conflicts. Honest communication helps manage expectations and reduces stress, making it easier to balance your professional and personal life.