Spa worthy baths at home!

As a busy mom, I have several responsibilities such as going to work, cooking meals, gassing up the car, trips to the post office, trips to the grocery store, remembering my mask and gloves wherever I go! A spectacular bath at home is a means of relaxation when you can’t get a massage, go to the gym or the spa.

Though I still love Mr. Bubble (yes I still use it), there are so many new and wonderful products for a relaxing bath on the market that will give you that relaxed feeling and won’t break the bank!

Here are a few of my favorite products and scents:

Good old-fashioned Epsom salt that you can buy at your local drugstore or Walmart will run you about $5 a bag and you will get multiple uses! Epsom salt has been around for many years and is wonderful to add to the bath to relax muscles and loosen stiff joints. Many people with arthritis pain and swelling love the effect of an Epsom salt bath.  Epsom salts are also known to soothe dry skin and reduce minor irritation and itching.  Use two cups of Epsom salt in a tub of warm running water and allow them to dissolve in the water before getting in and relaxing.

Dr. Teal’s Restore & Replenish Pink Himalayan Mineral Soak – Pink – 48oz

Next up are essential oils. You can buy these at your local market such a Sprouts or Wholefoods as well as Walmart.  Pick from a variety of wonderful relaxing scents that will cost you between $4 to $8 for a bottle; a bottle will last you many months of baths!

Sensible Remedies Ginger 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil 15 mL

And of course, since I was little, there’s always Mr. Bubble – there’s nothing like the bubbles from this product! A large bottle costs around $10 and can be purchased from your local supermarket or drugstore.

Mr. Bubble Original Bubble Bath 16 Ounce

Try to fit a warm bath in at least once in a week and you will easily see how easy it is to create a low cost, spa-worthy bath at home!

By Rosemaria Altieri

Follow Rosemaria on Instagram @RosemariaBeauty

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