Bella Terra Snow and Santa!

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One thing I love about living in Southern California is not having to shuffle around snow during the holidays. However, my family and I do miss out on having a white Christmas. (Cue Bing Crosby singing in the background). Luckily, there are locations all around Orange County that offer snow alternatives!

From now through December 22nd at the Bella Terra in Huntington Beach, there will be a Magical Snowfall Performance every Friday where it will actually SNOW on the Green! Move out of the way Elsa, Bella Terra might have stolen your gig. The snow will be falling at 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM and will be accompanied by a 45-minute musical performance.

Additionally, if you are looking for something to do today with the family, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be making an appearance all day from 11:30 AM – 7:30 AM! It’s the perfect way to get last-minute family holiday photos sent out before the 25th!

You can find out more about the upcoming musical and magical snow performances HERE!

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